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July 4, 2020
Sun | Mon | Tues | Wed | Thurs | Fri | Sat | ||||||||||
《 | 7 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 》 |
Wearing time this day0
Number of vibrationsIt's not looking too good
Please be more mindful0
average angleLevel | Proportion of | Wearing time | Average angle | |
Mild | 0 | 00 : 00′ : 00″ | 0° | |
Moderate | 0 | 00 : 00′ : 00″ | 0° | |
Severe | 0 | 00 : 00′ : 00″ | 0° |
Pain Index Status Today
Body | Scale | Level |
Neck | 0 | Moderate |
Hand & Arm | 0 | moderate |
Today's Neurological Index Status
Muscle Strength | Scale 0 | |
Numbness & Tingling | None | |
Balance | Normal |