
Dear User,

Thank you for registering and using the AIH paid membership products. To ensure a better use of the products and services provided by AIH, please read and fully understand the terms and conditions of the “AIH Paid Membership User Agreement” (hereinafter referred to as “User Agreement” or “this Agreement”) carefully, especially the terms regarding exemptions or limitations of liability, and decide whether to accept them or not. The terms limiting or exempting liability may be highlighted in bold to attract your attention.

Unless you have read and accepted all the terms of this agreement, you are not authorized to use the paid membership products and services provided by AIH. Your act of purchasing, using the paid membership products and services, etc., is considered as having read and agreed to be bound by this Agreement.

1.Scope of the Agreement

1.1 AIH APP and (hereinafter referred to as “AIH”) are Internet products and services provided by AIH (Hangzhou) Technology Co., Ltd. and its affiliated companies (hereinafter referred to as “AIH” or “we”).

1.2 This user agreement is an agreement between the user (you) and AIH regarding the use of AIH paid membership products and services. The terms of this agreement apply to all products and services under the paid membership offered by AIH. When users enjoy any single service provided by AIH, they shall be bound by this agreement.

1.3 The paid membership products and services under this agreement refer to the Internet products and services released by AIH, including but not limited to online media, Internet value-added, interactive entertainment, e-commerce, and advertising products and services (in forms including but not limited to tutorials, courses, images, software, technical codes, etc.).

1.4 The content of this agreement also includes all kinds of rules, announcements, or notices that AIH has released or may release in the future. When using a specific product or service of AIH, there may be separate agreements, related service rules, etc. Once published, the aforementioned rules, announcements, notices, and agreements become an inseparable part of this agreement, which you must also comply with. If you do not agree with the terms of this agreement, you should immediately stop activating and using the related products and services.

1.5 AIH reserves the right to amend this agreement and/or various rules from time to time as needed (including but not limited to creating new terms and modifying existing terms) and to make changes by posting online without separately notifying you. For major changes, we will send you a formal notice (including for some services, we will notify you through one or more of the following ways, such as phone, SMS, WeChat, app notifications, in-app announcements, emails, etc., or by re-signing the agreement to explain changes to the privacy policy). Once published, the amended agreement and rules immediately or at the specific time stated in the announcement automatically take effect. If you continue to use AIH’s products or services after the announcement of amendments, it is considered that you have read, understood, and accepted the revised agreement and rules. If you disagree with the amendments, you should immediately stop using the related products and services provided by AIH.

1.6 Apart from the explicit provisions of this agreement, AIH has the right to regulate the use of products and services developed/published by AIH through separate product and service agreements (hereinafter referred to as “single product agreements”) on the basis of this agreement. Users must understand and confirm the single product agreement when using related products or services. In case of conflict between the single product agreement and this agreement, the single product agreement shall prevail. If the user uses the product or service, it is considered as acceptance of the relevant single product agreement.

2.Introduction to AIH Paid Membership Products and Services

2.1 AIH provides diverse Internet products and services to paid members, including but not limited to courses, e-commerce, communities, and other related products. Users can use, share, and purchase products and services provided by AIH.

2.2 The operator of AIH will strive to provide uninterrupted online services, but the network access service of the platform may be blocked, restricted, or terminated due to various factors, and we shall not be liable for any loss, inconvenience caused to you.

2.3 Some products and services provided by AIH require payment for use, and users need to pay certain fees to the operator of AIH for using such products. For paid products and services, we will provide clear prompts to users before use, and only when users confirm they are willing to pay the relevant fees can they use/continue to use such paid products and services. If users refuse to pay the relevant fees, the operator of AIH has the right not to provide such paid products and services.

2.4 AIH only provides online products and services. Beyond this, the devices related to network services (such as mobile phones, personal computers, and other devices related to accessing the internet or mobile networks) and the expenses required (such as telephone fees and internet fees for accessing the internet, and mobile fees for using the mobile network) should be borne by the users themselves.

2.5 Paid Membership Services and Account Inquiry

2.5.1 Once you become an AIH paid member, the service is activated immediately, and after the service is activated, refunds are not supported.

2.5.2 The standard fees for value-added services for paid members are based on the detailed pricing marked on the AIH website. AIH reserves the right to change the above standard fees based on its business development needs. However, AIH will provide different fee discounts for renewal and upgrades to paid members who have activated and remained valid at different stages based on actual operation situations, with specific discount policies as announced on the relevant service pages of AIH.

2.5.3 You can freely inquire about the details of your account information through the AIH paid member center, including the services activated, the service period, the amount spent, transaction status, etc.

2.6 Paid Membership Privileges and Service Period

2.6.1 Your viewing service period will not be extended due to interruptions, terminations, rewinds, etc., during the viewing period.

2.6.2 The tutorials provided by the paid membership services have a fixed viewing service period. Once you become a paid member, it is considered that you acknowledge its viewing service period.

2.6.3 The full benefits you enjoy after purchasing AIH paid membership are subject to the paid membership benefits announced on the AIH official website. AIH reserves the right to change all or part of the member benefits based on the business development needs of AIH. For the aforementioned benefits adjustments, AIH will notify or announce on the relevant service page, and you can also inquire about the latest paid membership benefits content through the AIH official website.

2.6.4 The validity period of the annual membership card is 365 days, the half-year card is 180 days, the quarterly card is 90 days, and the monthly card is 30 days.

2.7 Rights and Restrictions of Paid Members

2.7.1 During the validity period of the paid membership, paid members can preferentially participate in activities organized by AIH and enjoy various discounts and value-added services provided by AIH.

2.7.2 Paid membership services are limited to personal use of the applied account and cannot be used for commercial purposes. Membership services cannot be transferred between AIH accounts during the service period, and cannot be given, lent, leased, transferred, or sold.

2.7.3 The same AIH paid membership account is only allowed to be used on a maximum of one device, and the same account can only be logged in on one device at the same time. You must bear any consequences caused by use beyond this scope.

2.7.4 Paid members must not obtain or purchase membership services through illegal means such as theft, exploiting system vulnerabilities, or unauthorized websites that sell AIH membership without AIH’s authorization.

2.7.5 Unless with prior written permission from AIH, it is prohibited to copy, download, upload, modify, catalog, translate, distribute, develop, transfer, sell, display, or disseminate the services or courses provided by the membership service; it is prohibited to synthesize, nest, link the services or courses provided by the membership service; it is prohibited to use the services and their segments provided by the membership service to create derivative works, make greeting cards, screensavers or desktops, conduct teaching or research, conduct business development or promotion; it is prohibited to use the services or courses provided by the membership service for commercial purposes; including but not limited to the following situations:

(1) Modifying the service period, spending amount, transaction status of the paid membership account through illegal means, or using the purchased membership services in an illegal way or for illegal purposes;

(2) Providing your AIH paid membership account to any third party, whether for compensation or for free, and allowing others to watch the tutorials provided by the membership services that were not purchased by others.

(3) Copying, selling, renting, or authorizing any third party to use the tutorials provided by the membership services.

(4) Proactively cracking, changing, reversing, destroying, or other tampering with any security measure technology used by AIH to protect the tutorials provided by the membership services, or assisting others in the aforementioned actions.

(5) Obtaining the tutorials provided by the membership services through non-AIH approved methods, or deleting any ownership statements or labels on the tutorials provided by the membership services.

(6) Will not use the tutorials provided by the membership services, in whole or in part, in any public setting, whether charged or free, unless your aforementioned actions do not

(7) Harm the interests of third parties, collect third-party information through AIH, destroy or steal third-party accounts, send fraudulent emails and spam, infringe upon the legitimate rights of third parties, including but not limited to privacy rights, intellectual property rights, property rights, etc.

2.8 Replacement, Modification, and Upgrade of AIH

2.8.1 To enhance user experience and improve service content, AIH reserves the right to develop new services based on your usage status and behavior towards the software.

2.8.2 For the purpose of improvement, enhancement, and further development of services, AIH reserves the right to provide software updates from time to time (including software upgrades, modifications, feature enhancements, version upgrades, etc.).

2.8.3 Users understand and agree that AIH has the right to update AIH or change or restrict some of its functions without special notice to you.

2.8.4 After the release of a new version of AIH, the old version may no longer be usable. The operator of AIH does not guarantee the continued availability of the old version of AIH and its corresponding services. To fully and timely use AIH’s services, please check and download the latest version at any time.

2.9 Third-Party Applications and Services

AIH products include modules that support third-party applications for user use, including but not limited to tool services, tutorials, or image services, as well as various services that may appear in the future. When using such applications, users should comply with this agreement and the respective agreement, terms, or rules of the application. The rights and obligations between users and developers shall be executed in accordance with the relevant agreement, terms, or rules. When using software and services provided by third parties, users must understand and agree:

2.9.1 When users use applications and services provided by third-party developers, the third-party developers will obtain the user’s personal information and content information based on the user’s authorization. It is up to the user to decide to authorize these details to the third party. Users must be aware that providing personal information and content information to third-party developers may lead to information leakage issues, and the operator of AIH will not be responsible for this.

2.9.2 AIH has the right to manage and review applications provided by third-party developers and has the right to remove third-party applications without notifying users, in case of any impact or loss caused thereby, the operator of AIH will not be liable, and it is up to the user to bear or negotiate with the third party, but AIH will strive to protect the interests of users from being infringed.

2.9.3 When using third-party applications, users must agree: (1) to authorize the use of their AIH account to log into the third-party application; (2) to agree that the third-party application obtains their personal information to receive the corresponding products and services.

2.9.4 Any disputes arising from the use of third-party applications between the user and the third-party developer shall be resolved through negotiation between the user and the developer, with the developer bearing the relevant responsibilities and compensations alone, and the operator of AIH will not bear any responsibility.

3 Intellectual Property Statement

3.1 AIH legally owns all legitimate rights to AIH products (including but not limited to intellectual property rights and ownership). All copyrights and other intellectual property rights related to AIH, as well as all information content related to AIH, including but not limited to: text expressions and their combinations, icons, decorations, color combinations, interface designs, layout frameworks, relevant data, printed materials, or electronic documents are protected by the relevant intellectual property laws and regulations of China and related international treaties.

3.2 All rights to AIH products and the services, technical software, and other products and information provided through AIH products, except for those uploaded by users themselves or explicitly indicated as provided by third parties, belong to AIH.

3.3 The expressions of “AIH”, “aiNeck”, “aiSpine”, “aiNeuro”, “aiCardio”, “aiJoint” in AIH products and service identifiers are trademarks or registered trademarks of AIH in China or other countries/regions, and users are not authorized to use them without legal authorization.

3.4 AIH has patent rights, patent application rights, trademark rights, copyrights, and other intellectual property rights in relation to AIH products and related services. AIH does not grant any intellectual property rights related to AIH to users because of this agreement or because of providing AIH and related products and services to users. Rights not expressly granted to users in this agreement are reserved by AIH.

4 User Privacy Policy

4.1 Protecting user personal information is a basic principle of AIH. AIH will collect, use, store, and share your personal information in accordance with this agreement and the “Privacy Policy”. Where the provisions of this agreement conflict with the “Privacy Policy”, or where this agreement does not specify the protection of personal information, the “Privacy Policy” shall prevail.

4.2 During the process of registering an account or using AIH products and services, you may need to fill in some necessary information. If special provisions of national laws and regulations require, you need to fill in real identity information. If the information you provide is incomplete, you may not be able to use AIH products or services, or may be restricted during use.

4.3 We promise

4.3.1 We will not show you personalized ads based on sensitive categories (such as race, religion, sexual orientation, or health conditions).

4.3.2 We will not share information that can identify you personally, such as your name or email address, with advertisers (unless you have given your consent).

4.3.3 At any time, under any circumstances, we will not sell your personal information to any third party. We will only use the information obtained under this agreement within the scope permitted by law. We will develop strict policies to protect your personal information, unless we have obtained your prior authorization or otherwise specified in this statement, we will not disclose or provide this information to third parties.

4.4 To facilitate your access and enrich your experience, we may provide products or services to you through affiliated companies or other trustworthy partners. You can choose whether to access such content or links or use the products or services of the third party. However, we cannot control any personal information held by third parties. The information protection issues during your use of third-party products or services do not apply to this agreement. This agreement also does not apply to any information you choose to provide to third parties on your own. Please review the privacy protection policy of the third party.

4.5 You can browse, modify, delete, and export the information you have submitted at any time, please refer to the “Privacy Policy” for specifics.

4.6 Without your authorization, AIH will not transfer or disclose your personal information to any unrelated third parties, unless:

4.6.1 Required by relevant laws and regulations or courts, government agencies;

4.6.2 To complete a merger, division, acquisition, or asset transfer;

4.6.3 Necessary to provide the services you requested;

4.6.4 AIH deems necessary and does not violate mandatory provisions of laws and regulations.

4.7 AIH attaches great importance to the protection of minors’ information. If you are a minor under the age of 18, you should obtain the consent of your legal guardian before using AIH’s services.

5 Account, Password, and Security

5.1 Registration Qualifications

5.1.1 You confirm that when you complete the registration process or actually use the paid membership products and services provided by AIH in other ways allowed by AIH, you should be a natural person, legal person, or other organization with full civil rights and capacity. If you do not have the aforementioned qualifications, you and your guardian shall bear all consequences, and AIH has the right to cancel or permanently freeze your account and reserves the right to claim compensation from you or your guardian.

5.1.2 Minors under the age of 18 and other individuals with limited civil conduct capacity should use AIH’s products and services under the guidance of their legal guardians.

5.2 Registration and Account

5.2.1 To fully utilize the paid membership products and services provided by AIH, you need to purchase AIH paid membership services. You can also become an AIH paid member through various existing and future channels, including but not limited to: becoming a paid member through online banking payment, mobile payment, or third-party payment, etc. When using a specific method to become a member, you must read and confirm the acceptance of the relevant service terms and usage methods. When purchasing AIH paid membership services, you are responsible for the truthfulness, legality, validity, and completeness of the information provided and must promptly maintain and update your personal information to ensure its accuracy, legality, and validity.

5.3 AIH hereby specially reminds you to protect your account and password and not to disclose them to others. You are responsible for keeping your account and password confidential and must bear responsibility for all activities that occur under your account and password (including but not limited to information disclosure, information posting, online clicking to agree or submit various rule agreements, online renewal agreements, or purchasing services, etc.). AIH cannot and will not be responsible for any loss arising from your failure to comply with this provision. If you discover any unauthorized use of your account and password, you must immediately notify AIH. You can send an email to to submit your request. You understand and agree that it takes a reasonable time for AIH to act upon your request, and AIH is not responsible for any adverse consequences that have occurred before taking action.

5.4 You can set a nickname for your account, and the nickname you set must not infringe or be suspected of infringing on the legal rights of others. Users promise to comply with the following provisions when setting nicknames:

5.4.1 Do not register with the real names, pen names, stage names, or pseudonyms of party and state leaders or other public figures.

5.4.2 Do not register with the names of state institutions or other institutions.

5.4.3 Do not register uncivil, unhealthy names, or accounts containing discriminatory, insulting, or obscene words.

5.4.4 Do not register accounts that may cause ambiguity, mislead others, or do not comply with legal provisions.

If the nickname you set is suspected of infringing the legal rights of others, AIH has the right to terminate the provision of part or all software services to you. AIH is not responsible for this, and you will bear any direct or indirect losses and adverse consequences.

5.5 Users agree to authorize the operator of AIH to use user’s information resources for the following reasons:

5.5.1 To perform software verification, upgrade services.

5.5.2 To enhance user security or provide customer support.

5.5.3 When providing specific services requested by users, it is necessary to provide information to AIH or related third parties or other users.

5.5.4 To use various non-personal privacy data for commercial purposes, including but not limited to providing value-added services, advertising, targeted advertising, marketing, joint registration, promotions, or other activities to third parties.

5.5.5 As required by judicial organs or government agencies.

5.5.6 To enhance user experience.

5.5.7 Other situations that benefit users and AIH without violating any mandatory legal regulations.

6 Changes, Suspension, or Termination of Products/Services

6.1 Users should use AIH and its services legally and appropriately. If users post illegal, immoral, or agreement-violating information, or engage in activities that violate relevant laws, regulations, or this agreement, AIH has the right to take the following measures:

6.1.1 Directly delete content that violates laws, regulations, or this agreement.

6.1.2 Suspend or restrict your use of AIH and its products and services, including but not limited to restricting your use of part or all functions and products, services of AIH.

6.1.3 Terminate your right to use AIH.

6.1.4 Reclaim your account, and have the right to prohibit you from applying for or obtaining a new account through other means.

6.1.5 Pursue your legal responsibility and claim corresponding damages.

6.2 AIH has the right to suspend, change, or terminate AIH products or part of their functions according to business development needs, and has the right to decide whether to (continue to) provide certain products and services in AIH; AIH is not obligated to notify users in the aforementioned situations.

6.3 Except as otherwise provided by law, users are responsible for backing up data stored in AIH. If the user’s service is terminated, the operator of AIH has the right to permanently delete all related data of the user from the server, and is not obliged to return or provide the aforementioned data to the user in any form.

7 Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution

7.1 The place of signing this agreement is Chaoyang District, Beijing, People’s Republic of China.

7.2 The establishment, effectiveness, performance, interpretation, and dispute resolution of this agreement shall be governed by the laws of the mainland of the People’s Republic of China (excluding conflict of laws).

7.3 In case of any dispute or controversy between you and the operator of AIH, it should first be settled through friendly negotiation; any dispute arising from or related to this contract shall be submitted to the Hangzhou Arbitration Commission for arbitration in accordance with its arbitration rules. The arbitration award is final and binding on both parties.

8 Other Provisions

8.1 If any provision of this agreement is partially invalid or unenforceable for any reason, it does not affect the binding force of the rest of the provisions of this agreement on both parties.

8.2 The headings of the terms of this agreement are set for convenience of reading only and shall not be used as a basis for interpreting the provisions of this agreement.

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